Welcome to
Hope Valley
Cyber Scouts
Scouting At Home
Hi Beavers!
Since Christmas we have been working on a number of badges which you can finish off at home to get your badges even though you’re not seeing everyone at Beavers!
There are also some new badges you can complete at home and you can find all the info about the badges and some activity ideas below.
ZOOM Beavers – Us leaders miss seeing you and hearing about all the fun things you’ve been doing. Because of this we’re going to organise a monthy Beaver meeting where we’ll be able to see each other on a video and maybe even do some activities together!
Below are some activities and badges that you can do at home to continue to earn badges. Click on the badge and have a go at all the activities suggested.
Once you'd completed the activities, you can upload what you've done via the form at the bottom of each page and send it straight through to the Section Leader to look at! Because we have over 100 young people in the Scout Group, each doing lots of badge work, don't worry if you don't get a reply. We will have seen it and recorded that you've done the work.
Make sure you take lots of photos of you doing the activities and any things you create or complete, and send them to us below, so that we can see what you've been up to. This allows us to tick off that badge/badge requirement. Make sure you complete all the available stages of a badge before sending it to us. Some stages might not be possible to do at home, so when we start to meet again, we will complete those missing bits and get you those badges!
Keep checking back regularly as we will upload more activities as we go along...