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Scouting for All

Scouting is an inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values.

We ensure the movement is open and accessible; and that people are treated equally and with respect. This policy is reflective of the ethos of Scouting, expressed by our fundamental values (integrity, care, co-operation, respect and belief) and our commitment to delivering Scouting for all.

By removing any real or perceived barriers to participation, we can ensure that even more young people can enjoy the adventure of Scouting and that Scouting will be as diverse as the communities in which we live.

More about our organisational commitment to inclusivity is available within the Scout Association's current strategy; Skills for Life (2018-2023).


In the Hope Valley, we endeavour to ensure that Scouting is open to everyone and make all reasonable adjustments to ensure that everyone can take part if they want and we are regularly updating our Scout Hut and making improvements to facilitate accessibility and can offer help with the costs, to remove any barriers! 


What About the Cost?


Cost can be a huge barrier to some in all corners of life, but Scouting endeavours to remove that barrier.


There is no personal financial situation which would prohibit anyone's involvement in Scouting.


We charge £45 subscriptions for each term, per child. A proportion of this goes to the Scout Association to pay for insurance, training, development, management and administration, to keep the Association running and current. The remainder stays with the group to pay for the hut, badges, training, materials and equipment.


Any members, or potential members, who feel that £45 would be prohibitive to them joining the movement, please contact us to discuss it. We might be able to agree a reduced subs to whatever you can afford, either as a one-off, or a regular payment schedule - whatever is necessary to ensure you or your young person can participate in Scouting. Any discussions are confidential with the Group Scout Leader and relevant Section Leader - contact us via the contact us form.


Similarly, camps and events, which are additional costs to the termly subscriptions can be subsidised if otherwise they would prove to be a barrier, or a regular payment plan agreed to spread the cost. We also have spare uniform, if the cost of purchasing that would be a problem.


We are lucky enough to have a fabulous Scout Hut, which we rent out to visiting groups. The income this brings in allows us to avoid regularly raising subscriptions and allows us to establish hardship funds and subsidise camps for individuals as well as reducing the cost for everyone.


So if you or your young person are interested in joining Scouting, but feel that the costs might otherwise be prohibitive, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Let's get them Scouting!

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